Ethnic people (Asian, afro) - 18-80 years old - Photo Shooting in Brasov

  • Casting ID: 4684
  • Pentru proiect: Software
  • Se cauta: Ethnic People / Personaj: Testari
  • Interval de vârstă: 18 - 80 ani
  • Perioada de desfășurare: Lu 15.mai.2023 - Jo 31.aug.2023
  • Durata: 1 zi
  • Locul de desfasurare: Brasov
  • Angajator:
Detalii suplimentare:

THIS ANNOUNCEMENT is intended ONLY for people who live in BRASOV

or surroundings!!!

We are looking for ethnic women and men (Asian and African American) aged between 18-80 years for a software project, car simulator;

                   Requirements: - people must live in Brasov or its surroundings;                  

                  - the persons must be clinically healthy;             

Filming details: - the filming takes place between May 15 and August 31 (1 single day) in BRASOV;

- filming takes place indoors, in the laboratory;

- people will simulate driving at different times of the day;

- hot food, juices, drinks, and snacks are provided;

             - filming takes place between 08:00 and 07:00 the next day (24 hours);

- people must not sleep at all during this 24-hour interval;

- during the 24 hours people use the car simulator for a total of 8 hours and the rest of the time is for relaxation;

The obtained photo/video materials will be used internally to develop the software - without broadcasting in the public environment.


Fee: 700 LEI/person - payment after the performance.

Applicants will be contacted by the project coordinator!

Vor fi luate in considerare numai optiunile exprimate prin apasarea butonului "Aplica la casting".
Modulul de comentarii de mai jos este exclusiv pentru solicitare informatii si recomandari.
Ne rezervam dreptul de a sterge comentariile ce contin date de contact.

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